This textbook presents the fundamental knowledge of inorganic nomenclature that students will need in the first two semesters of their study at UCT Prague and, very likely, in their subsequent years.
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This textbook presents the fundamental knowledge of inorganic nomenclature that students will need in the first two semesters of their study at UCT Prague and, very likely, in their subsequent years. It covers the naming of basic inorganic compounds (cations, salts, acids, etc.), as well as coordination compounds. Apart from the traditional naming systems, it also presents the additive approach that has been extended to a wider range of inorganic compounds in the latest edition of the Red Book (IUPAC, 2005). Additionally, balancing of chemical equations is explained in the scope of the UCT Prague courses of General and Inorganic Chemistry I and II. Theoretical explanation is complemented with illustrative solved problems and also with problems for practicing, including their correct solutions.
Reviewer: Dr. Ross Harvey Colman