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Basic Chemical Calculations
* Ceny jsou uvedeny včetně DPH a jsou platné k 25. 1. 2022. Doprava zboží na území České republiky je zajišťována prostřednictvím společnosti PPL. Zásilky do zahraničí jsou odesílány prostřednictvím PPL jako dobírka.
Skripta nejsou dostupná v tištěné podobě. Studentům a pedagogům VŠCHT Praha jsou skripta k dispozici v elektronické podobě na e-learningovém portálu po přihlášení školním uživatelským jménem a heslem.
The Chemical Calculation course (S101002) is an obligatory part of a study program in all four faculties in the UCT Prague. The course puts basis not only for the following Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory practice course but also for the further more advanced study of chemistry. This book introduces the basic equations counting with basic quantities and SI units frequently used in elementary chemical calculations. According to the course structure, this book is divided into three main sections: i) calculations concerning the composition of mixtures, ii) free crystallization and crystallization in motion, iii) stoichiometric calculations. All sections and sub-sections begin with solved examples that should help with exercises solution. Moreover, the book contains an additional part with more complex problems. The examples in this part reflect the reality in laboratory where calculations are not as simple and straightforward as those in the previous three chapters.
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Aktualizováno: 22.10.2015 14:13, Autor: Petr Čech